Reuse, Compost, Recycle and Waste Education

Nia House is a Green Certified Business. We strive to reduce our environmental impact and raise a generation of environmentally aware people.

The children and families at Nia House participate in composting, packing waste free lunches with reusable containers and by recycling all that we can.

Below is a presentation the Primary children participated in at circle time. Turns out they already know a lot about compost, reusing and recylcing!

For the rest of June, Nia House will be collecting hard to recycle soft plastics- stretchable plastic like plastic bags, bubble wrap, and bubble mailers .

You can continue this practice at home. Join Ridwell. Every family that joins will raise $25 for Nia House!

Nia House

A Montessori Toddler & Preschool Program serving Berkeley since 1974